

Research Topics

High-output, transparent, stretchable triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered wearable devices -For more info (pdf)
Smectic Liquid-Crystalline Structure of Skyrmions in Chiral Magnet Co8.5Zn7.5Mn4(110) Thin Film
Graphene production induced by negative thermal expansion
-Carbon buffer layer could be converted to graphene by rapid-cooling from 900 _C to -196 _C-
For more info (in Japanese)
IMaSS successfully developed a method measuring the local magnetic moments with atomic-plane resolution. -IMaSS achieved a world record in spatial resolution for measuring the magnetic moments of a ferromagnetic material.-For more info (in Japanese)
The establishment ceremony of the "AIST-NU GaN Advanced Device Open Innovation Laboratory"(GaN-OIL) was conducted.For more info (in Japanese)