Khufu's Great Pyramid’s Hidden Void Revealed Using Cosmic Rays Scanning Techniques
Research News
Khufu's Great Pyramid’s Hidden Void Revealed
Using Cosmic Rays Scanning Techniques
Research group of Designated Assistant Professor Kunihiro Morishima and other researchers from Elementary Particle Measurements Section of Advanced Measurement Technology Center (AMTC) has succeeded in seeing through the Egypt’s largest pyramid of Khufu and has found a hidden Void in there by observing cosmic ray muons with nuclear emulsion.
The study is being conducted in the international joint study (participated by Japan, Egypt, France and Canada) called the ScanPyramids program, hosted by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, and HIP Institute (Heritage, Innovation and Preservation Institute). Japan research group consists of Nagoya University and KEK (the inter-University Research Institute Corporations, High Energy Accelerator Research Corporation).
For more info (in Japanese)
More details (English) by the #ScanPyramid's press release.

Image 1King Khufu Pyramid (A view from the north)

Image 2Internal view of the King Khufu Pyramid and the location where the muon sensitive plates (detectors) were set for the analysis at this time.
Observing the scope (±45 degrees from the zenith direction) shown in yellow shade.

Image 3Nagoya University emulsion film setup in the descending corridor

Image 4Nagoya University Muon sensitive plates in descending corridor that have been analyzed

Image 5Comparison of muography simulation and results for descending corridor